Mini-Guide : Wear Your Tagelmust In 8 Easy Steps

Mini-Guide : Wear Your Tagelmust In 8 Easy Steps

You're here, you know the story behind Tagelmust and the utility of wearing it. You want to know how nomad tribes wrap it around their head.

Here's the answer, each nomad had his way of wearing Tagelmust. Each nomad wraps it in his own unique style, adapting it to the dimensions of his head, the nature of his day to day movement, and the length at which he preferred his Tagelmust to be. Tales of these tribes mention that each member of those tribes was recognized by his unique way of wearing Tagelmust.

Worth mentioning, the famous head wrap is not the only way of wearing your Tagelmust, you can

  • Hang it on you neck
  • Wrap it around your neck & chest
  • Wear it as a classic drape

The essence of Tagelmust is freedom to invent your style.

Now let's explain how you can tie your Tagelmust scarf around your head. In the end, this is what separates Tagelmust from the other scarfs. Let's do it.

Step 1: Make a simple knot, one foot away from the end of your scarf

Step 1: Make a simple knot, one foot away from the end of your scarf

The one foot is simply an estimation of the length it takes to wrap the scarf one full time around your face. Try it first, see what length you prefer and knot from there.

Note however that you will need to open this knot later, so make just an easy one that you can open effortlessly.

Step 2: Put on your head. Knot facing the back

Step 2: Put on your head. Knot facing the back

This step will allow you to set the base of your Tagelmust wrap, covering the top of your head. Gently place the knotted end atop your head, allowing the rest of the fabric to flow in front of you, the knot will rest at the nape of your neck.

Step 3: Twist the front end, keep your head comfortable

Step 3: Twist the front end, keep your head comfortable

Take the front end of the scarf with both hands and give it a subtle twist. This twist will ensure your Tagelmust is locked to your head.

Note that your head needs to be comfortable under the fabric, if the twist is squeezing your head tight, it will be cause discomfort after a while.

Step 4: Roll the fabric around your head

Step 4: Roll the fabric around your head

Now comes the artistry of wrapping Tagelmoust around your head. You can wrap it just once or twice, depending on the length of your scarf. Original nomad tribes can wrap it up to 5 times, given enough fabric. If you have our standard Tagelmust, you should be able to wrap it twice around your head.

Step 5: Tuck the end in between the rolls.

Step 5: Tuck the end in between the rolls.

When you've complete your wraps, tuck the end of your Tagelmust between the layers you've created. This will lock the wrapping tight.

Step 6: Open the knot

Step 6: Open the knot

Returning to the knot at the nape of your neck, carefully open it. This step allows for a seamless transition between the wrapped layers and the final stage of draping around your face. 

Step 7: Roll the rest around your face, just over your nose.

Step 7: Roll the rest around your face, just over your nose.

With the knot undone, begin to roll the remaining length of the Tagelmust around your face, ensuring it gently covers your nose.

This serves both practical and aesthetic purposes, shielding you from the desert sun and creating the air of mystique appearance that nomads enjoyed back in the old times.

Step 8: Tuck the end in between the rolls.

Step 8: Tuck the end in between the rolls.

To complete the wrapping, tuck the end of your Tagelmust between the rolls, around your face. This final touch secures the last part of the veil (i.e, the facial cover). Make sure the tuck is flowing backwards, letting the wind and dust go out of the veil, as opposed to getting inside the layers of your Tagelmust.


One last word

We hope this guide helped you get the look and feel you were seeking.

As you wrap yourself in this iconic scarf, don't forget to drop a review of our products if you like it, and If you have any questions we invite you to write to us.

At DUNZ, We welcome you anytime, as a member of this rich culture, embracing the freedom in the never ending horizons of life.


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